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Conduit Covers Protect Against Contamination

Flexible, Short-Term Alternatives to Plastic Caps and Plugs


Conduit Covers offer fast, easy protection for a variety of contamination needs.

Conduit Covers products can best be described as the universal cap and plug.  Since plastic caps and plugs come in a variety of sizes, locating the correct one to protect an open hose or line is easier said than done.  Oftentimes, rags, tape, or other pliable forms are used as a means of protection.  However, these methods are cumbersome and difficult and usually result in contamination.  Our patented poly-bags quickly cover the ends of hoses, tubes, fittings, electrical connectors, and other forms of open conduits

when disconnected from the systems in which they supply or operate.


Conduit Covers save us considerable time by not having to size a cap or plug to cover a line - just zip it and you're done.  I’ve been doing this for 20 years; I haven’t seen anything better or more efficient than these covers.  I now just reach for a bag instead of a box full of miscellaneous caps and plugs.  


Jim Pattschull, Equipment Superintendent, FST Sand and Gravel


What buyers have found particularly appealing about Conduit Covers is how quickly and easy they are to install.  This allows buyers to significantly reduce the amount of time it takes to properly protect open lines while reducing inventory management costs for caps and plugs.  Thus, expenses associated with labor and contamination related failures are greatly reduced.




Conduit Covers Benefits


Ultimate flexibility compared to traditional caps and plugs.


Exceptionally easy to install and remove.

Minimizes inventory requirements - No need to inventory a variety of plastic caps and plugs.


Effective protection against contamination ingression.

Oftentimes, plastic caps and plugs are not removed prior to reinstalling a conduit end, causing system contamination.  In contrast, Conduit Covers require removal prior to conduit installation.

Reduces ground contamination by containing residual oil in hose or line.

Conduit Covers come pre-packaged in a heavy-duty slide seal bag that is easily stored on a shelf, truck, or in a tote tray.


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